Part 2
Welcome to the second in the series of posts about Python for Data Analysis. In this post we’re going to cover Numpy and plotting with Matplotlib.
Numerical Analysis with Numpy
Numpy is probably the most significant numerical computing library (module) available for Python.
It is coded in both Python and C (for speed), providing high level access to extremely efficieny computational routines.
Basic object of Numpy: the Array
One of the most basic building blocks in the Numpy toolkit is the
Numpy N-dimensional array (ndarray
which is used for arrays of between 0 and 32
dimensions (0 meaning a “scalar”).
Creating Arrays
s can be created in a number of ways.
From Python objects
Numpy includes a function called array
which can be used to
create arrays from numbers, lists of numbers or tuples of numbers.
creates the 1d array and number (scalar):
[1 2 3]
Nested lists/tuples produce n-dimensional arrays:
numpy.array([[1,2], [3,4]])
creates the 2d array
[[1 2]
[3 4]]
NB: you can create arrays from dict
s, lists of strings, and other
data types, but the resulting ndarray
will contain those objects
as elements (instead of numbers), and might not behave as you expect!
Predefined arrays
There are also array creation functions to create specific types of arrays:
numpy.zeros((2,2)) # creates [[ 0 0]
# [ 0 0]]
numpy.ones(3) # creates [ 1 1 1 ]
numpy.empty(2) # creates [ 6.89901308e-310, 6.89901308e-310]
NB: empty
creates arrays of the right size but doesn’t set the values
which start off with values determined by the previous memory content!
Random numbers
contains a range of random-number generation functions.
Commonly used examples are
numpy.random.rand(d0, d1, ..., dn) # Uniform random values in a given shape, in range 0 to 1
numpy.random.randn(d0, d1,...,dn) # Standard normally distributed numbers (ie mean 0 and standard deviation 1)
Loading data from files
One to two dimensional arrays saved in comma-separated text
format can be loaded using numpy.loadtxt
arr2d = numpy.loadtxt('filename.csv', delimiter=",") # The default delimiter is a space!
Similarly an array can be saved to the same format:
numpy.savetxt('filename.csv', arr2d_2, delimiter=",") # The default delimiter is a space!)
Numpy also has an internal file format that can save and load N-dimensional arrays,
arrNd = numpy.load('inputfile.npy')
and'outputfile.npy', arrNd2)
NOTE: As usual, full paths are safer than relative paths, which are used here for brevity.
However, these files are generally not usable with other non-python programs.
Working with ndarray
Once an array has been loaded or created, it can be manipulated using either array object member functions, or numpy module functions.
Member functions
s are objects as covered briefly in the last section,
and have useful attributes (~ data associated with the array):
ndarray.flags Information about the memory layout of the array.
ndarray.shape Tuple of array dimensions.
ndarray.strides Tuple of bytes to step in each dimension when traversing an array.
ndarray.ndim Number of array dimensions. Python buffer object pointing to the start of the array’s data.
ndarray.size Number of elements in the array.
ndarray.itemsize Length of one array element in bytes.
ndarray.nbytes Total bytes consumed by the elements of the array.
ndarray.base Base object if memory is from some other object.
ndarray.dtype Data-type of the array’s elements.
ndarray.T Same as self.transpose(), except that self is returned if self.ndim < 2.
ndarray.real The real part of the array.
ndarray.imag The imaginary part of the array.
ndarray.flat A 1-D iterator over the array.
ndarray.ctypes An object to simplify the interaction of the array with the ctypes module.
as well as many useful member-functions including:
ndarray.reshape : Returns an array containing the same data with a new shape.
ndarray.resize : Change shape and size of array in-place.
ndarray.transpose (or ndarray.T) : Returns a view of the array with axes transposed.
ndarray.swapaxes : Return a view of the array with axis1 and axis2 interchanged.
ndarray.flatten : Return a copy of the array collapsed into one dimension.
ndarray.squeeze : Remove single-dimensional entries from the shape of a.
ndarray.sort : Sort an array, in-place.
ndarray.argsort : Returns the indices that would sort this array.
ndarray.diagonal: Return specified diagonals.
ndarray.nonzero : Return the indices of the elements that are non-zero.
ndarray.argmax : Return indices of the maximum values along the given axis.
ndarray.min : Return the minimum along a given axis.
ndarray.argmin : Return indices of the minimum values along the given axis of a.
ndarray.ptp : Peak to peak (maximum - minimum) value along a given axis.
ndarray.clip : Return an array whose values are limited to [min, max].
ndarray.conj : Complex-conjugate all elements.
ndarray.round : Return array with each element rounded to the given number of decimals.
ndarray.trace : Return the sum along diagonals of the array.
ndarray.sum : Return the sum of the array elements over the given axis.
ndarray.cumsum : Return the cumulative sum of the elements along the given axis.
ndarray.mean : Returns the average of the array elements along given axis.
ndarray.var : Returns the variance of the array elements, along given axis.
ndarray.std : Returns the standard deviation of the array elements along given axis. : Return the product of the array elements over the given axis
ndarray.cumprod : Return the cumulative product of the elements along the given axis.
ndarray.all : Returns True if all elements evaluate to True.
ndarray.any : Returns True if any of the elements of a evaluate to True.
including arithmetic operations on array elements:
+ Add
- Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide
// Divide arrays ("floor" division)
% Modulus operator
** Exponent operator (`pow()`)
# Logic
& Logical AND
^ Logical XOR
| Logical OR
~ Logical Not
# Unary
- Negative
+ Positive
abs Absolute value
~ Invert
and comparison operators
== Equals
< Less than
> More than
<= Less than or equal
>= More than or equal
!= Not equal
Non-member functions
Additional functions operating on arrays exist, that the Numpy developers felt shouldn’t be included as member-functions. These include
# Trigonometric and hyperbolic functions
numpy.sin : Sine
numpy.cos : Cosine
numpy.tan : Tangent
# And more trigonometric functions like `arcsin`, `sinh`
# Statistics
numpy.median : Calculate the median of an array
numpy.percentile : Return the qth percentile
numpy.cov : Calculate the covariance matrix
numpy.histogram : Compute the histogram of data (does binning, not plotting!)
# Differences
numpy.diff : Elemenet--element difference
numpy.gradient : Second-order central difference
# Manipulation
numpy.concatenate : Join arrays along a given dimension
numpy.rollaxis : Roll specified axis backwards until it lies at given position
numpy.hstack : Horizontally stack arrays
numpy.vstack : Vertically stack arrays
numpy.repeat : Repeat elements in an array
numpy.unique : Find unique elements in an array
# Other
numpy.convolve : Discrete linear convolution of two one-dimensional sequences
numpy.sqrt : Square-root of each element
numpy.interp : 1d linear interpolation
Accessing elements
Array elements can be accessed using the same slicing mechanism as lists; e.g.
if we have a 1d array assigned to arr1
containing [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
, then
accesses the 5th element =1
accesses the 3rd element onwards =[3,2,1]
accesses the last element =1
accesses the last element onwards with step -1, =[1,2,3,4,5]
(i.e. the elements reversed!)
Similarly higher dimensional arrays are accessed using comma-separated slices.
If we have a 2d array;
a = numpy.array([[ 11, 22],
[ 33, 44]])
(which we also represent on one line as [[ 11, 22], [ 33, 44]]
), then
accesses the first row =[11, 22]
accesses the first element of the first row =11
accesses the last element of the last row =44
accesses all elements of the first column =[11,33]
reverses the row order =[[33, 44], [11,22]]
reverses both row and column order =[[ 44, 33], [ 22, 11]]
The same logic is extended to higher-dimensional arrays.
Using binary arrays (~masks)
In addition to the slice notation, a very useful feature of Numpy is
logical indexing, i.e. using a binary array which has the same shape
as the array in question to access those elements for which the binary array
is True
Note that the returned elements are always returned as a flattened array. E.g.
arr1 = np.array([[ 33, 55],
[ 77, 99]])
mask2 = np.array([[True, False],
[False, True]])
print( arr1[ mask2 ])
would result in
[33, 99]
being printed to the terminal.
The usefulness of this approach should become apparent as you learn to use Numpy!
Dealing with NaN and infinite values
Generally speaking, Python handles division by zero as an error; to avoid this
you would usually need to check whether a denominator is non-zero or not using
an if
-block to handle the cases separately.
Numpy on the other hand, handles such events in a more sensible manner.
Not a Number
NaNs (numpy.nan
) (abbreviation of “Not a Number”) occur when a computation can’t
return a sensible number; for example a Numpy array element 0
when divided
by 0
will give nan
They can also be used can be used to represent missing data.
NaNs can be handled in two ways in Numpy;
- Find and select only non-NaNs, using
to identify NaNs - Use a special Nan-version of the Numpy function you want to perform (if it exists!)
For example, if we want to perform a mean or maximum operation, Numpy offers nanmean
Additional NaN-handling version of argmax
, max
, min
, sum
, argmin
, std
, and var
exist (all by prepending nan
to the function name).
When a pre-defined NaN-version of the function you need doesn’t exist, you will need to select only non-NaN values; e.g.
allnumbers = np.array([np.nan, 1, 2, np.nan, np.nan])
# We can get the mean already
print(allnumbers.nanmean()) # Prints 1.5 to the terminal
# But a nan version of median doesn't exist, and if we try
print(np.median( allnumbers )) # Prints nan to the terminal
# The solution is to use
validnumbers = allnumbers[ ~ np.isnan(allnumbers) ]
print(np.median( validnumbers )) # Prints 1.5 to the terminal
To Infinity, and beyond…
Similarly, a Numpy array non-zero element divided by 0
gives inf
, Numpy’s representation of infinity.
However, Numpy does not have any functions that handle infinity in the same way as the nan-functions (i.e. by essentially ignoring them). Instead, e.g. the mean of an array containing infinity, is infinity (as it should be!). If you want to remove infinities from calculations, then this is done in an analogous way to the NaNs;
allnumbers = np.array([np.inf, 5, 6, np.inf])
print(allnumbers.mean()) # prints inf to the terminal
finite_numbers = allnumbers[ ~np.isinf(allnumbers) ]
print(finite_numbers.mean()) # prints 5.5 to the terminal
for both
will return an array that containsTrue
everywhere the
input array is neither infinite nor a NaN.
Next steps: Visualization helps!
Now that we have a basic understanding of how to create and manipulate arrays, it’s already starting to become clear that producing numbers alone makes understanding the data difficult.
With that in mind then, let’s start working on visualization, and perform further Numpy analyses there!
Plotting with Matplotlib
In the last section we were introduced to Numpy and the fact that it is a numerical library capable of “basic” numerical analyses on Arrays.
We could use Python to analyse data, and then save the result as comma separated values, which are easily imported into e.g. GraphPad or Excel for plotting.
But why stop using Python there?
Python has some powerful plotting and visualization libraries, that allow us to generate professional looking plots in an automated way.
One of the biggest of these libraries is Matplotlib.
Users of Matlab will find that Matplotlib has a familiar syntax.
For example, to plot a 1d array (e.g. stored in variable arr1d
as a line plot, we can use
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Reminder: aliases
Here we used the alias (
) feature when importing matplotlib to save having to typematplotlib.pyplot
each time we want to access thepyplot
sub-module’s plotting functions!
In the following notes, most of the time when I refer to “matplotlib
’s X
function” (where X is changeable), I’m actually referring to the function
found in matplotlib.pyplot
, which is matplotlib
’s main plotting
The show
What’s going on here?
The plot
function does just that; it generates a
plot of the input arguments.
However, matplotlib doesn’t (by default) show any plots until the show
function is called. This is an intended feature:
- To create multiple plots/figures before pausing the script to show them
- To not show any plots/figures, instead using a plot saving function
- this mode of operation is better suited to non-interactive (batch) processing
It is possible to change this feature so that plots are shown as soon as they
are created, using matplotlib
’s ion
function (~ interactive on).
Creating new figures with figure
Often we need to show multiple figures; by default calling several plot commands, one after the other, will cause each new plot to draw over previous plots.
To create a new figure for plotting, call
# Now we have a new figure that will receive the next plotting command
A short sample of plot types
Matplotlib is good at performing 2d plotting.
As well as the “basic” plot
command, matplotlib.pyplot
bar : Bar plot (also barh for horizontal bars)
barb : 2d field of barbs (used in meteorology)
boxplot : Box and whisker plot (with median, quartiles)
contour : Contour plot of 2d data (also contourf - filled version)
errorbar : Error bar plot
fill_between : Fills between lower and upper lines
hist : Histogram (also hist2d for 2 dimensional histogram)
imshow : Image "plot" (with variety of colour maps for grayscale data)
loglog : Log-log plot
pie : Pie chart
polar : Polar plot
quiver : Plot a 2d field of arrows (vectors)
scatter : Scatter plot of x-y data
violinplot : Violin plot - similar to boxplot but width indicates distribution
Rather than copying and pasting content, navigate to the Matplotlib Gallery page to view examples of these and more plots.
You’ll find examples (including source code!) for most of your plotting needs there.
Customizing the figure
Most plotting functions allow you to specify additional keyword arguments, which determine the plot characteristics.
For example, a the line plot example may be customized to have a red dashed line and square marker symbols by updating our first code snippet to
plt.plot(arr1d, '--', color="r", markerstyle="s")
(or the shorthand plt.plot(arr1d, "--r")
Axis labels, legends, etc
Additional figure and axes properties can also be modified. To do so, we need to access figure/axis respectively.
To create a new (empty) figure and corresponding figure object,
use the figure
fig1 = plt.figure()
# Now we can modify the figure properties, e.g.
# we can set the figure's width (in inches - intended for printing!)
# Then setting the figure's dpi (dots-per-inch) will determine the
# number of pixels this corresponds to...
fig1.set_dpi(300) # I.e. the figure width will be 3000 px!
If instead we wish to modify an already created figure object,
we can either get a figure object by passing it’s number
to the figure
function e.g.
f = plt.figure(10) # Get figure number 10
or more commonly, we get the active figure (usually the last created figure) using
f = plt.gcf()
Axes are handled in a similar way;
ax = plt.axes()
creates a default axes in the current figure (creates a figure if none are present), while
ax = plt.gca()
gets the current (last created) axes object.
Axes objects give you access to changing background colours, axis colours, and many other axes properties.
Some of the most common ones can be modified for the current axes without
needing to access the axes object as matplotlib.pyplot
has convenience
functions for this e.g.
plt.title("Aaaaarghh") # Sets current axes title to "Aaaaarghh"
plt.xlabel("Time (s)") # Sets current axes xlabel to "Time (s)"
plt.ylabel("Amplitude (arb.)") # Sets current axes ylabel to "Amplitude (arb.)"
# Set the current axes x-tick locations and labels
plt.yticks( numpy.arange(5), ('Tom', 'Dick', 'Harry', 'Sally', 'Sue') )
A note on style
Matplotlib’s default plotting styles are often not considered to be desirable, with critics citing styles such as the R package ggplot’s default style as much more “professional looking”.
Fortunately, this criticism has not fallen on deaf ears, and while it has always been possible to create your own customized style, Matplotlib now includes additional styles by default as “style sheets”.
In particular, styles such as ggplot are very popular and essentially emulate ggplot’s style (axes colourings, fonts, etc).
The style may be changed before starting to plot using e.g.'ggplot')
A list of available styles may be accessed using
(on the current machine this holds : ['dark_background',
'fivethirtyeight', 'bmh', 'grayscale', 'ggplot']
You may define your own style file, and after placing it in a specific folder ( “~/.config/matplotlib/mpl_configdir/stylelib” ) you may access your style in the same way.
Styles may also be composed together using['ggplot', 'presentation'])
where the rules in the right-most style will take precedent.
3d plotting
While matplotlib includes basic 3d plotting functionality (via mplot3d
we recommend using a different library if you need to generate
“fancy” looking 3d plots.
A good alternative for such plots isa package called mayavi
However this is not included with WinPython and the simplest route to installing it involves installing the Enthough Tool Suite (
For the meantime though, if you want to plot 3d data, stick with the mplot3d
For example, to generate a 3d surface plot of the 2d data (i.e. the “pixel” value would correspond to the height in z), we could use
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z)
where X
, Y
, Z
are 2d data values.
and Y
are 2d representations of the axis values which can be
generated using utility functions, e.g. pulling an example from the
Matplotlib website,
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
X = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.25)
Y = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.25)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
R = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)
Z = np.sin(R)
surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm,
linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
ax.set_zlim(-1.01, 1.01)
fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5)
Saving plots
Now that we have an idea of the types of plots that can be generated using Matplotlib, let’s think about saving those plots.
If you call the show
command, the resulting figure window includes
a basic toolbar for zooming, panning, and saving the plot.
However, as a Pythonista, you will want to automate saving the plot (and probably forego viewing the figures until the script has batch processed your 1,000 data files!).
The command to save the currently active figure is
Alternatively, if you store the result of the
function in a variable as mentioned above
you can subsequently use the savefig
of that figure object to specifically save that figure, even if
it is no longer the active figure; e.g.
fig1 = plt.figure()
# Other code that generates more figures
# ...
Note on formats: Raster vs Vector
The filename extension that you specify in the savefig
determines the output type; matplotlib supports
- png - good for images!
- jpg (not recommended except for drafts!)
- pdf - good for (vector) line plots
- svg
as well as several others.
The first two formats are known as raster formats, which means that the entire figure is saved as a bunch of pixels.
This means that if you open the resulting file with an image viewer, and zoom in, eventually the plot will look pixelated/blocky.
The second two formats are vector formats, which means that a line plot is saved as a collection of x,y points specifying the line start and end points, text is saved as a location and text data and so on.
If you open a vector format file with e.g. a PDF file viewer, and zoom in, the lines and text will always have smooth edges and never look blocky.
As a general guideline, you should choose to mainly use vector file (pdf, eps, or svg) output for plots as they will preserve the full data, while raster formats will convert the plot data into pixels.
In addition, if you have vector image editing software like Inkscape or Adobe Illustrator, you will be able to open the vector image and much more easily change line colours, fonts etc.
Other annotations
We already saw how to add a title and x and y labels; below are some more examples of annotations that can be added.
You could probably guess most of what the functions do (or have guessed what the function would be called!):
plt.title("I'm a title") # Note single quote inside double quoted string is ok!
plt.xlabel("Time (${\mu}s$)") # We can include LaTex for symbols etc...
plt.ylabel("Intensity (arb. units)")
plt.legend("Series 1", "Series 2")
plt.colorbar() # Show a colour-bar (usually for image data).
# Add in an arrow
plt.arrow(0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, head_width=0.05, head_length=0.1, fc='k', ec='k')
The last command illustrates how as with most
most plotting commands, arrow
accepts a
large number of additional keyword arguments (aka kwargs) to
customize colours (edge and face), widths, and many more properties.
There are two common approaches to creating sub-plots.
The first is to create individual figures with well thought out sizes (especially font sizes!), and then combine then using an external application.
Matplotlib can also simplify this step for us, by providing subplot functionality. We could, when creating axes, reposition them ourselves in the figure. But this would be tedious, so Matplotlib offers convenience functions to automatically lay out axes for us.
The older of these is the subplot
command, which lays axes out in a regular
For example
plt.subplot(221) # Create an axes object with position and size for 2x2 grid
plt.title("Axes 1")
plt.title("Axes 2")
plt.title("Axes 3")
plt.title("Axes 4")
Note that the subplot command uses 1-indexing of axes (not 0-indexing!).
The above could be simplified (at least in some scenarios) using a for
# datasets contains 4 items, each corresponding to a 1d dataset...
for i, data in enumerate(datasets):
plt.title("Data %d"%(i+1))
Recently, Matplotlib added a new way of generating subplots, which makes it easier to generate non-uniform grids.
This is the subplot2grid
function, which is used as follows,
ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((3,3), (0,0), colspan=3)
ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((3,3), (1,0), colspan=2)
ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((3,3), (1, 2), rowspan=2)
ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((3,3), (2, 0))
ax5 = plt.subplot2grid((3,3), (2, 1))
would generate
(without the labels!)